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作者 : 翠银依凡    来源 : 校办    时间 : 2010-08-13

      2010年8月5日-8日, 夷陵中学国际部组织学生代表团应邀参加蔚蓝国际模拟联合国比赛。代表团成员表现非常出色,在未来几天大家将看到每个选手精彩的感言。


                                We are the world
    What I really gained from Model UN is not only the prize but also the spirit of communication,cooperation and equality.I can''''t forget about our judicious,charming chair ,intrepid,sagacious delegates and solicitous volunteers.They have taught me what I could never grasp through daily life.When we carried on our hot moderated caucus with everybody arguing indomitably,wrote draft resolution and working paper together,danced in Lady GaGa''''s songs with gorgeous lamplights twinkling and twinkling again,I really felt that we are the world.It is especially our friendship that will last forever.It can''''t deny that Model UN is really a commendable platform for me to realize my dream,with this valuable experience I will be more diligent.
   我从这次模拟联合国所收获的不仅是奖项而且是交流、合作和平等的精神。我无法忘记我们贤明理性、魅力十足的主席,那些无畏的、聪慧敏锐的各国代表,还有热心的志愿者。他们教给我很多无法从日常生活中了解的东西。当我们彼此争论、热火朝天地进行磋商的时候,当我们齐心协力完成决议草案和工作文件的时候,当我们在闪烁的灯光下伴着Lady GaGa的歌跳舞的时候,我真正体会到什么是“天下一家”。尤其是我们之间的友谊将会永存。不用怀疑,模拟联合国是一个实现我梦想的很好的舞台,有这样一段珍贵的经历会让我更加努力。



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